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Pamiętacie Franka Newcombe z Nigerii, który obiecywał wszystkim góóóóóórę dolców? Nigeria najwidoczniej nie jest już trendy, więc Frank nadaje z Indonezji:
Dear Friend,
This mail would obviously come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have not met personally. My name is Dr.Frank Newcombe,a business merchant in Indonesia. I am a victim of the TSUNAMI disaster that left over 118,000 people dead in Indonesia’s Aceh province.
Well, I lost all my family members and was seriously injured as a result of this catastrophe and currently hospitalised in Sharjah, U.A.E. My illness has defied all forms of medical treatment and I only have about a few months to live according to medical report. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone not even myself but my business. But now I regret all these as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in this world. Now that I know my time is near, I want to will and give most of my properties and assets to the relief of Tsunami Victims and to various charitable organisations . I have decided to do this because I want this to be the last and maybe only good deed I do on earth. But I am afraid most of these charity organisations would use it for their personal interests without someone to co-ordinate this task.
Hence,I am seeking a trust-worthy person who is able to help me carry out this great task. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I definitely cannot do this myself. I lost alot of money, assests, properties, etc due to this disaster. Meanwhile, I still have $8,450,000.00 USD [Eight million four hundred and fifty thousand UNITED STATES DOLLARS only] cash deposit that I have with a Financial Firm Abroad. I will want you to help me collect this deposit and dispatch it for humanitarian aid. Also, you will let them know that it is I, Dr.Frank Newcombe that is making this generous donations to them to serve as a memorial while I was on earth. I am writing this from my laptop computer in my hospital bed where I wait for my time to come. I pray that God uses you to support and assist me with a good heart.
Also, these are the necessary criteria you have to meet before I will give you the full authority over the fund:
(a). My conviction of your transparency, honesty and diligence that you will treat this transaction as I have instructed you to do.
(b). Upon the receipt of the funds, you will promptly release $5,000,000.00 USD to charity aid to help the needy, $3,000,000 USD will be used for investment and you will ONLY take the balance $450,000.00 USD for your noble assistance.
(c). You must be ready to provide me with enough information about yourself to put my mind at rest, by sending me your full beneficiary name, your contact address, telephone and fax numbers for further communication.
(d) All necessary legal documentations must be undertaken before you can have the full rights over this fund and other properties which I will give to you in due course.
(e) Also, you will be entitled to 5% of the annual income of any investment you wish to go into in rder to enhance further charitable work. I would suggest that you can invest this money into stocks, properties, bonds, etc. or any lucrative business you may suggest.
I will bring you into the complete picture of the transaction when I have heard from you. Your urgent response will be highly appreciated with all your contact details.Thanks for your anticipated cooperation and Gob bless you.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr.Frank Newcombe.
Pomysły spamerów czasem mnie zaskakują. :)
(NP: Fatboy Slim — Long Way From Home)
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